What Master’s Degree Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?

what masters can you do with a psychology degree

A psychology degree provides numerous opportunities for individuals who have a keen interest in comprehending human behavior and assisting others. Although a bachelor’s degree in psychology offers a strong base, many individuals opt to pursue a master’s degree in order to enhance their understanding and broaden their professional prospects. This article will examine the different master’s degree choices accessible to psychology graduates, including information on the areas they might pursue and the abilities they can enhance. So, what masters can you do with a psychology degree? Keep reading to find out!

Why pursue a master’s degree after a psychology degree?

Upon the completion of a bachelor’s degree in psychology, numerous individuals contemplate whether to further their academic pursuits by pursuing a master’s degree. A bachelor’s degree provides individuals with a foundational comprehension of psychology, whilst graduate degree programs in psychology provides a more focused and comprehensive study. It enables students to concentrate on a specific field of interest and acquire hands-on experience through internships and research projects. Moreover, obtaining a master’s degree might enhance employment opportunities and income potential, as numerous roles in the psychology profession necessitate advanced knowledge.

How to Choose the Right Master’s Program for You

When choosing a master’s degree, it is crucial to take into account your areas of interest, professional objectives, and individual aptitudes. Below are few key criteria to take into account when selecting the most suitable master’s program for your needs:

1. Research the Program’s Focus and Curriculum

Every master’s program possesses a distinct emphasis and curriculum. Allocate sufficient time to conduct thorough research and acquire a comprehensive understanding of the content and requirements of each program. Seek for programs that correspond to your own interests and professional ambitions. If you have a strong desire to assist folks in overcoming obstacles, pursuing a master’s degree in counseling psychology could be a suitable choice for you.

2. Consider the Requirements and Prerequisites

Various master’s programs possess distinct criteria and prerequisites. Prior completion of specialized coursework or relevant professional experience may be necessary for certain programs. Ensure that you thoroughly examine the entrance prerequisites for each program you are interested in to verify that you satisfy the criteria.

3. Evaluate the Reputation and Accreditation

The prestige and validation of a master’s degree can significantly influence your future professional opportunities. Seek out programs that have received accreditation from recognized organizations or regulatory bodies within the realm of psychology. Furthermore, take into account the prestige of the school providing the curriculum. Being associated with a reputable and esteemed organization can bolster your qualifications and provide access to a wider range of prospects.

Master’s Degrees To Pursue For Psychology Graduates

Having gained a comprehensive comprehension of the process of selecting an appropriate master’s program, let us now delve into some prevalent master’s degrees psychology majors:

1. Master’s in Clinical Psychology: Becoming a Licensed Therapist

Opting for a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology is a highly commendable decision for psychology graduates who aspire to obtain licensure as therapists. The primary objective of this program is to equip students with the necessary information and expertise to evaluate and address the needs of individuals suffering from mental health issues. Students acquire knowledge in several therapeutic methodologies, acquire hands-on experience through internships, and cultivate a profound comprehension of psychological evaluation and diagnosis. Program graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in diverse environments such as private practice, mental health clinics, hospitals, and schools.

2. Master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Applying Psychology to the Workplace

If you possess a keen interest in the application of psychology in the context of the workplace, pursuing a Master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology may be the most suitable option for you. This program is centered around comprehending human behavior in the workplace and utilizing psychological principles to enhance organizational success. Students acquire knowledge on subjects such as employee motivation, leadership development, work satisfaction, and organizational change. Program graduates have the opportunity to enter professions in human resources, organizational development, talent management, or consultancy.

3. Master’s in Counseling Psychology: Helping Individuals Overcome Challenges

Individuals with a strong desire to assist others in overcoming obstacles and enhancing their mental health might find pursuing a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology to be an excellent option. This curriculum equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue a career as professional counselors. These counselors offer advise and assistance to clients facing diverse challenges, including relationship difficulties, substance misuse, and mental health concerns. Students acquire counseling strategies, cultivate robust interpersonal skills, and have hands-on experience through supervised internships. Program graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in counseling centers, community mental health agencies, schools, and private practice.

4. Master’s in Forensic Psychology: Applying Psychology to the Criminal Justice System

If you possess a keen interest in both psychology and the criminal justice system, pursuing a Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology may be a suitable choice for you. This program integrates psychological principles with the legal system to comprehend and assess individuals engaged in criminal conduct. Students acquire knowledge on subjects such as criminal profiling, risk assessment, eyewitness testimony, and treatment of offenders. Program graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in law enforcement agencies, penal facilities, court systems, or as expert witnesses in legal proceedings.

5. Master’s in Educational Psychology: Understanding Learning and Development

A Master’s in Educational Psychology is an excellent option for psychology graduates who have a strong interest in education and the process of learning. This program is centered toward comprehending the cognitive and emotional mechanisms implicated in the process of learning and development. Students acquire knowledge on subjects such as learning theories, educational assessment, instructional design, and educational interventions. Program graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in educational environments, including schools, colleges, or educational research institutions.

6. Master’s in Social Work: Combining Psychology and Social Justice

Obtaining a Master’s degree in Social Work is a highly favorable choice for persons with a background in psychology who have a keen interest in advocating for social justice and effecting good change in both individuals and communities. This program integrates principles from psychology and social work to tackle social problems, offer assistance to marginalized communities, and promote societal transformation. Students acquire knowledge on subjects such as social welfare policies, community organization, counseling skills, and social justice activism. Program graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in diverse environments such as social service agencies, hospitals, schools, and charitable organizations.

7. Master’s in Health Psychology: Promoting Well-being and Behavior Change

If you have a keen interest in the convergence of psychology and health, pursuing a Master’s degree in Health Psychology may be the optimal decision for you. The primary objective of this curriculum is to comprehend the psychological determinants that impact health practices, disease prevention, and general state of being. Students acquire knowledge on subjects such as modifying health behavior, managing stress, promoting health, and educating patients. Program graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in hospital settings, research institutes, public health organizations, or wellness initiatives.

8. Master’s in Research Psychology: Advancing Scientific Knowledge in Psychology

A Master’s in Research Psychology is a highly suitable choice for psychology graduates who possess a strong interest in conducting research and pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding in the subject. This curriculum emphasizes the cultivation of research abilities, the execution of empirical studies, and the contribution to the existing knowledge in the field of psychology. Students get knowledge on research methodology, statistical analysis, experimental design, and ethical aspects in research. Program graduates have the opportunity to seek employment in research institutions, universities, government agencies, or choose to pursue a doctoral degree in psychology.

Alternative Graduate Programs for Psychology Majors

In addition to the aforementioned popular master’s degrees, there exist alternative graduate programs that may pique the attention of individuals majoring in psychology. These types of master’s in psychology encompass a wide range of options. The alternative list of psychology masters programs are:

  • Master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis: Concentrating on the utilization of behavior modification techniques and intervention tactics.
  • Master’s degree in School Psychology: Focused on offering assistance and implementing strategies in educational environments.
  • Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy: Specialized focus on providing therapy for couples and families.
  • Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology: Analyzing the intricate workings of businesses and enhancing employee productivity.
  • Master’s degree in Social Psychology: Focusing on the examination of social factors’ impact on behavior and attitudes.
  • Master’s degree in Cognitive Psychology: Investigating cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.
  • Master’s degree in Developmental Psychology: Focused on comprehending the transformations that take place during the entire lifespan.
  • Master’s degree in Neuropsychology: Investigating the correlation between brain functionality and behavior.
  • Master’s degree in Sports Psychology: Utilizing psychological principles to optimize sports performance.
  • Master’s in Rehabilitation Psychology: A program focused on aiding individuals with impairments in optimizing their autonomy and overall well-being.


1. Can I get my master’s degree in anything?

Although a psychology degree might provide access to many educational prospects, it is crucial to acknowledge that certain master’s degree programs might impose prerequisites or special criteria. It is recommended to conduct thorough research on the particular program you are interested in and verify that you possess the required prerequisites.

2. What can I do with a master’s degree in psychology?

Having obtained a master’s degree in psychology, you will have the opportunity to explore several professional avenues. Several possibilities include obtaining a professional license as a therapist, engaging in human resources employment, performing research, or earning a doctoral degree in psychology.

3. Can you be a psychologist with a master’s degree?

Typically, possessing only a master’s degree in psychology is inadequate for obtaining a licensure as a psychologist. Typically, acquiring further education, such as a Ph.D. or Psy.D., is necessary in order to pursue a career as a psychologist.

4. What can you do with an MA in psychology?

Having obtained a Master’s degree in Psychology, you have the opportunity to seek employment in diverse environments such as mental health clinics, schools, and research institutes. Alternatively, you may choose to continue your studies at the doctoral level.

5. Can you get a job with a master’s in psychology?

Yes, obtaining a master’s degree in psychology can significantly expand the array of employment prospects in various domains, including counseling, research, human resources, and social work.

6. How do you get a master’s degree in psychology?

In order to pursue on a master’s degree in psychology, it is generally necessary to have successfully obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a closely related discipline. Additionally, one must satisfy the particular admission criteria of the desired program and submit an application package containing academic records, letters of endorsement, and a personal statement.


To summarize, pursuing a master’s degree after earning a psychology degree can open up a wide range of professional prospects and expand your competence in the field of psychology. Psychology graduates have a wide range of master’s degree options to choose from, including clinical psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, counseling psychology, and forensic psychology. Through meticulous evaluation of your interests, objectives, and aptitudes, you can select the appropriate curriculum to launch on a gratifying and advantageous professional trajectory. Therefore, it is advisable to dedicate sufficient time to thoroughly investigate the several alternatives for a master’s degree and select the one that most closely corresponds to your personal interests and ambitions. Obtaining a master’s degree in psychology can serve as a crucial catalyst for a prosperous and purposeful career.

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